通讯地址:郑州市郑东新区龙子湖高校园区15号 js06金沙登录入口龙子湖校区第一实验楼js06金沙登录入口 450046
2008-09至2013-06, 南京农业大学, js06金沙登录入口, 学士
2020年6月至今, js06金沙登录入口, 助理研究员
2. 中国博士后科学基金-面上项目:二元信号转导系统VraSRSS调控猪链球菌多重耐药与致病的分子机制(2020M682297)2020-11至2022-11 主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会-面上项目:VII型分泌系统LXG及MSE效应子促进猪链球菌竞争定殖及逃避宿主免疫清除的分子机制(31972650)2020-01至2023-12 参与
1. Zhang Yue; Lu Pengpeng; Pan Zihao; Zhu Yinchu; Ma Jiale; Zhong Xiaojun; Dong Wenyang; Lu Chengping; Yao Huochun*; SssP1, a Streptococcus suis fimbriae-like protein transported by SecY2/A2 system, Contributes to bacterial virulence, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2018. 84(18): e01385-18.
2. Zhang Yue; Zhong Xiaojun; Lu Pengpeng; Zhu Yinchu; Dong Wenyang; Roy Shipra; Hejair HMA; Pan Zihao; Ma Jiale; Yao Huochun*; A novel autolysin AtlASS mediates bacterial cell separation during cell division and contributes to full virulence in Streptococcus suis, Veterinary Microbiology, 2019. 234. 92-100.
3. Zhong Xiaojun#; Zhang Yue#; Zhu Yinchu; Dong Wenyang; Ma Jiale; Pan Zihao; Yao Huochun*; Identification of an Autorepressing Two-Component Signaling System That Modulates Virulence in Streptococcus suis Serotype 2, Infection and Immunity, 2019. 87(9). e00377-19.
4. Yinchu Zhu, Yue Zhang, Jiale Ma, Wenyang Dong, Xiaojun Zhong, Zihao Pan, Huochun Yao*. ICESsuHN105, a novel multiple antibioticresistant ICE in Streptococcus suis Serotype 5 strain HN105. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019.10: 274
5. Xiaojun Zhong, Yue Zhang, Yinchu Zhu, Wenyang Dong, Jiale Ma, Zihao Pan, Shipra Roy, Chengping Lu, Huochun Yao*. The Two-Component Signaling System VraSRss Is Critical for Multidrug Resistance and Full Virulence in Streptococcus suis Serotype 2. Infection and Immunity. 2018. 86(7): e00096-18